
Structured Cabling

We test and provide certification for all of our installations, which guarantees you as a customer are getting your installation at the required specification and are receiving exactly what you have invested in.

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Cat5e, Cat6/a, Cat7 Network infrastucture, (25 year manufacturers warranty available)

Network moves, reconciles, integrations and refresh works

Structured Network, Backbone Design and Installation

Network Cabinets, Server Racks provision and installation

Bespoke design of data and comms networks for all business sizes and types

What we offer

Build a reliable network

Often it is forgotten that the (structured) network cabling is the backbone of any IT network.

Incorrect installation of your CAT 5/6/7 cabling can lead to a deficiency in the speed of your overall network and can cause major disruption to the end user.

Why install brand new hardware if your CAT 5/6/7 infrastructure is not up to scratch?

Get your free technology assessment now!

Get a no obligation quote and real advice on how networking, AV and security can help your business thrive.

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